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January 1, FBI Arrests Michigan Governor Candidate



1866: US House of Representatives passes 14th Amendment.

Michigan Republican gubernatorial candidate Ryan Kelley has been arrested by FBI agents who raided his home.

The FBI arrested Kelly “on misdemeanor charges stemming from the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol breach,” the U.S. Justice Department said in a statement.

According to the criminal complaint, the 40-year-old was charged for knowingly entering or remaining on the U.S. Capitol or its ground without authority, disorderly and disruptive conduct in that space, knowingly engaging in any physical violence against persons or property on U.S. Capitol grounds, and willfully injuring or attacking property of the United States.

A court document says that “the FBI received multiple tips regarding Ryan Kelley’s presence at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.”


  1. Margaret Greenslade

    June 13, 2022 at 6:56 am

    I believe this arrest was politically motivated.

    • Don

      June 13, 2022 at 8:15 am

      No doubt.

    • Leslie

      June 13, 2022 at 8:15 am

      They all need to be arrested

      • Philip Seth Hammersley

        June 13, 2022 at 8:41 am

        No, Fancy Nancy, who REFUSED to safeguard the Capitol, needs to be arrested! She is also refusing to protect SCOTUS judges.

        • Dennis

          June 14, 2022 at 5:32 pm


    • Keith

      June 13, 2022 at 9:18 am

      Absolutely !

      • Keith

        June 13, 2022 at 9:21 am

        Democraps will do whatever they need to do , break laws , etc to remain in power. They all need to be incarcerated and the party abolished. I despise them ! Cheaters , law-breakers , and murderers ( Hillary)!!!!!

        • Barto

          June 13, 2022 at 12:20 pm

          DITTO and AMEN!

    • Von Potter

      June 13, 2022 at 10:48 am


      • Barto

        June 13, 2022 at 12:23 pm

        Could it stand for “Federal Bureau of Incompetents” OR “Federal Biden Idiots”… it seems they are letting their Govt. entity be used for THE LIBERAL POLITICAL AGENDA!

        • ELINOR ANN

          June 13, 2022 at 3:46 pm

          Barto, I whole heartedly agree with you. The FBI became 90% Liberal. Sad. I never hear about MI5 and other Intel communities attacking people as a government entity. The FBI let off Lynch (re: her “talk about grandchildren” with Bill Clinton, they let off Hillary with her treason worth lack of keeping Top Secret and ABOVE Classified information and Hillary allowed Security employees install Top Secret plus FAX/phones/safes in a Bathroom at her home. Chief FBI at the time said she had no evil intent at the time. She even allowed Middle Eastern Intelligence into the State Department Offices where Top Secret Information was current and stored. Just a few instances of zero Security/Safety responsibility.

    • Troy

      June 13, 2022 at 12:35 pm

      Agreed, the whole Jan 6th scam was set up just for this crap!

  2. Iknow

    June 13, 2022 at 7:01 am

    The Democrats Gestapo in action once again. You will only see them when a Conservative is involved. Perhaps I after November we can summon and jail some of them.

    • Don

      June 13, 2022 at 8:15 am


    • Lee Blanchard

      June 13, 2022 at 10:26 am

      We will only get the chance to do that if we can keep the democrat Gestapo from “arresting” all the conservatives who are running for office against any democrat. You can expect arrests like this to happen more and more as polls show republicans beating out the democrats. If they don’t succeed in getting rid of their competitors before election time they will do another shut down to stop people from getting to the polls to vote again.

    • Barto

      June 13, 2022 at 12:26 pm

      Should be one of the top things to accomplish when the House and Senate has the Republicans with a MAJORITY…..We need to see a trial for all those who have committed CRIMES against our COUNTRY and/or it’s Legal Citizenry!

    • Troy

      June 13, 2022 at 12:37 pm

      I pray so, there are a shit load of dnc and fbi that are blatantly committing treason

  3. mike kerrigan

    June 13, 2022 at 7:37 am

    It took 18 months of intensive detective work by that World renowned evidence gathering agency to finally bring this criminal to justice.
    Thank God for the FBI…..
    And to think this monster wants to be the Governor of Michigan and deprive the good people of Michigan the stewardship of that champion of ” Do as I say – not as I do” Gretchen (Nitwit) Whitmer…

    • Don

      June 13, 2022 at 8:14 am

      Too much wine or whine???

    • 2004done

      June 13, 2022 at 8:18 am

      mike kerrigan: I guess you just don’t appreciative how important fabricating a good story-line, manufacturing scanty evidence, and then having to delay the news until it can have a signifucant impact (just before the campaign will get started) are. DON’T think leftists pin ALL their plans to win-by-cheating on Dominion, they have to use every trick alinsky, stalin, bukharin, and the kenyan taught.

      • AL

        June 13, 2022 at 12:29 pm

        I think Mike was being sarcastic. The FBI is happy to do the bidding of Dems. I recall when Hillary ordered the FBI to arrest the White House Travel Office staff. She told the FBI to handcuff them with hands behind their back, and perp walk them through all the tour groups in the White House on their way out. Same thing as now days. Local TV stations were alerted in advance.
        Bill Clinton’s travel agent cousin from Arkansas took over the operation the next day.
        The DOJ intentionally delayed the trial of the staff for months and kept changing things to bury them with legal expenses. At the trail, the Jury only took 45 minutes to find them all not guilty.

  4. john fudacz

    June 13, 2022 at 7:59 am

    the fbi wont bother the democrapic thugs and crooked fbi assholes that instagated this socalled inserection ! we know who was behind this soros and pelosy and her comunist democrap clowns !!!! what bout the capital police letting people in the doors ? whos covering up for them ? where were the guns in the capital the police had them,killed a protester,and got away with it !

  5. Fran

    June 13, 2022 at 9:08 am

    And why have they never arrested the Antifa Devils, that have caused terrible chaos and destruction?? They have allowed to roam the streets from Day one with knives and guns w/o any Police interference. They have defiled, burned down bldgs, harmed and killed People. Whenever there’s something going on, mysterious pallets of bricks appear so they can cause more harm and damage. My belief is that nothing happens to them cause they’re working w/for the corrupt Democrat/Socialist Gov’t!!

  6. PAT

    June 13, 2022 at 10:34 am


  7. Tom

    June 13, 2022 at 12:42 pm

    Get this guy elected and then when the country elects a GOP President remove all of the FBI leaders in D.C. and State to State and not only replace them we must investigate them. For immunity and money they will begin to to expose the entire Judicial Department.

  8. Sick and Tierd of listening to empty headed MORONS

    June 13, 2022 at 11:03 pm

    I’ve seen sick groups of people before, but the group of SICK (BIG) PIECES OF SHIT THAT JUST MADE THESE COMMENTS, don’t you realize your talking about your republican party, you did get a few things right; 1 your party should be abolished, your the steamrollers LEE, changing election laws to keep people from there birthright (republicans did that RIGHT?) squash woman’s rights (they did that to RIGHT?) and you Phillis Beth Dummersley when was fancy Nancy president I thought your that BLONDE HEADED, HAMBURGER EATEN FAT F— was the president and suppose to be protecting the capitol, (oops sorry I’m wrong he couldn’t protect it because he was to busy INVADING IT ASSHOLE) Hey FARTO (that should be your name because your head is full of shit) the republicans the law is going after already committed those crimes against my country, that’s why I said Farto because every time you open mouth nothing but HOT air comes out. Then there’s STUPID KEITH talking about the REPUBLICANS again breaking laws by Raiding the White House (that’s a big one), Cheating, giving 1900 votes to FAT BOY TRUMP in Arizona that belong to Biden, (shame, shame, bad people), taking peoples rights away (voting, woman) but let’s keep GUNS in idiots hands so they can go anywhere and kill kids, and the only reasoning I can see behind that is because you are all IDIOTS. Try to refrain from talking all that RUBBISH in your comments it really is BORING!!!!!!!

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