January 1, ‘F—k Your Thoughts and Prayers’: Congressman’s Remarks on MSU Shooting Sparks Backlash

2003: An estimated 6-11 million people around the world take to the streets to protest against war with Iraq.
A Michigan state lawmaker released a profanity-laden statement in the wake of the deadly shooting at Michigan State University that left three dead and five others in critical condition.
Ranjeev Puri, the Democratic Majority Whip in the Michigan House of Representatives, shared his official statement on the tragic incident via his Twitter account.
“F—k your thoughts and prayers,” Puri’s statement began. “What happened in East Lansing is unfortunately far too common. Going to school in America, whether it’s pre-school or college, means risking your life every day to the threat of a mass shooting. Yet all we have offered up are empty solutions – traumatizing active shooter drills and bulletproof backpacks.”
“Thoughts and prayers without action and change are meaningless,” he continued. “Our office will continue to work tirelessly to pass common sense gun reform immediately.”
The statement quickly sparked backlash, with many critics saying that Puri’s proposed gun control measures would only punish law-abiding gun owners, not prevent criminals from carrying out more mass shootings.
The Libertarian Party of Michigan tweeted: “Punishing people who did not commit any crime for the actions of others is deeply unjust and won’t save lives. If you cared about protecting students, introduce legislation to end gun free zones in schools. Give students the freedom to defend themselves against attackers.”
Other critics mocked Puri’s statement by calling it “classy” or “brave.”
“Stunning, and some might say brave,” conservative journalist Ian Miles Cheong wrote.
Commentator John Cardillo responded: “No, f—k you. The shooter had two prior gun charges but your woke DAs cut him deals. There isn’t a gun law on this planet he would have obeyed, you tyrannical hack.”
Source: Fox News

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John McFadden
February 15, 2023 at 6:24 am
February 15, 2023 at 6:52 am
The ultimate blame belongs to the far left Politicians, the democrats, when they proposed defund the police, followed by leniency to criminals that they introduced. Results more crime all over the country. Criminals should be prosecuted and jail
Robert Page
February 15, 2023 at 7:41 am
This guy is a symptom of the entire problem. He rants and curses (a sign of no intelligent ideas). How many stories do we have to read that shows a criminal running away from an armed citizen to realize that is one solution. Of course you just have to read about the bad guy who has just been released by pleading guilty to a lesser charge and going out and killing people. The judges and prosecutors who do that are the ones who should be in prison and they would think twice before defying the law that demands those criminals be incarcerated (that would be real reform for our sick judges and lazy prosecutors).
Sandra W. Cloke
February 15, 2023 at 8:01 am
“Thoughts and Prayers” are offered in sincerity, but it seems that’s all that can be offered since the left wing run States and cities have created this uptick in crime but have offered not one iota of a solution except to take away law abiding gun owners’ weapons and the dems refuse to consider any laws the Republicans offer. Defunding the police and failure to prosecute encourage the criminals and wanna-be criminals who know they are not going to be prosecuted or if they are, will only serve a short sentence (if any at all). Since the criminals know that a law abiding citizen will be hesitant to shoot them for fear they will be the ones prosecuted, they will continue to rob, assault, rape, murder victims.
Tim Kuehl
February 15, 2023 at 8:36 am
Anthony McRae would have been barred from owning a gun had he not had felony gun charges dismissed by progressive Ingham County district attorney Carol Siemon (D.) in May of 2021.
Yvonne Fileccia
February 15, 2023 at 10:37 am
It figures……typical of a Dem orat DA……Wonder if that DA will be on any news report…….maybe one…..
Texas Tea Partier
February 15, 2023 at 10:06 am
I think Joe Cardillo is spot-on.
February 15, 2023 at 7:07 pm
Thoughts and prayers offered are for survivors of the victims that were shot and killed by the lunatic that an effing socialist Marxist leftist DA released back into society. No amount of prayers will save Mr. Purl’s miserable a$$ from being ushered into eternal hell if he thinks prayers are not ANSWERED by THE ALMIGHTY. I’d hate to be him if some lunatic with a long history of doing evil with a gun attempts to rob him at gunpoint and he’s shaking in his boots wondering how much better off he’d have been if he was packing some heat. What a loon. Here’s some great advice – ENFORCE laws that are already on the books. We don’t need new ones that are useless and redundant. Not to enforce the law invites chaos in our streets. How much more REALITY needs to be displayed on nightly news shows to wake up sleeping morons to the fact that we need to jail criminals. The mayor of Chicago can’t even keep track anymore of shootings. If criminals try that crap in my town the cops WILL NOT let them escape and won’t be afraid to pop them full of holes. Law and order is the rule here in the the Lone Star State and not the exception. Law abiding citizens packing heat make criminals think twice before attempting a robbery. When their friend is shot dead while committing a crime, everyone in their circle of influence learns a lesson real fast about what not to do.
February 21, 2023 at 9:00 am
Ranjeev Puri, have you ever thought that you are a part of the problem? More God and less woke. Bring back punishment for crime.