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January 1, Denver’s Democrat-Led Sanctuary: Newcomers Playbook at Taxpayers’ Expense



Denver, a Democrat-led city in Colorado, is providing a how-to guide for other cities looking to become immigrant sanctuaries at taxpayers’ expense. The guide, titled “Newcomers Playbook: A Guide to Welcoming Newcomers into Your City,” is written by the Office of Mayor Mike Johnston and several migrant agencies.

Despite criticizing outside groups and states for sending immigrants to Denver in the past, the guide offers recommendations and strategies on establishing a sanctuary city successfully. It states, “As part of Denver’s welcoming approach, we use the term ‘newcomers’ to refer to migrants, recognizing that they are new to our city and embracing a more inclusive language.”

The guide includes tips on creating intake centers to redirect immigrants to free services, such as transportation, housing, food, clothing, medical care, and legal advice. It also suggests cities arrange for mobile showers and laundry trucks to cater to the needs of the “newcomers.”

Additionally, the guide provides a comprehensive checklist of “guest-related” questions to help cities identify potential issues. Interestingly, the guide encourages officials to use fraudulent social security numbers (SSNs) for immigrants when required, stating, “If an online application requires an SSN to move forward in the online portal, we have entered 123-45-6789.”

Mayor Johnston claims to be “the national leader on this topic,” according to a local news source, and said, “Over the last year and a half, despite the federal government failing to support our cities, Denver has led by building sustainable systems that help newcomers get back on their feet and turning a crisis into opportunity.”

Johnston also expressed pride in the playbook, which he believes will “help newcomers resettle in cities with more opportunities, help cities across the country successfully welcome newcomers and reinvigorate workforces.”

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  1. Born Again

    May 28, 2024 at 8:35 pm

    I hope Denver very soon comes to regret their decision to welcome illegal alien invaders to their city!!

  2. Helen

    May 31, 2024 at 3:15 pm

    I live in a Denver suburb & I DO NOT appreciate what Mike Johnson has done with my tax money. I do NOT want people who have thundered illegally across our boarder to be invited & welcomed into our neighborhoods to do who know what. It’s not a privilege to live here any more. Our state is being ruined by the Deamoncrats.

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