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January 1, Congress Plans Major Base Pay Boost For Enlisted Troops



Congress unveils plans to significantly boost enlisted troops’ base pay. This move aims to address quality of life issues and improve recruitment and retention in the military.

A bipartisan panel of the House Armed Services Committee has proposed six recommendations for military compensation. Among these is a 15% pay raise for junior enlisted troops, which the committee plans to legislate next year.

Chairman Mike Rogers of Alabama said, “We intend to take all of these recommendations and put them into the national defense authorization act.”

Other recommendations include increases to housing and food allowances, better compensation for military childcare workers, easing the burden on military spouses, and improving healthcare access. The panel also calls for “fully funding” housing programs to modernize deteriorating barracks.

Lawmakers plan to implement every recommendation, despite facing major budget constraints. They argue that improving quality of life is crucial for resolving the military’s recruiting crisis.

Republican Rep. Don Bacon, who co-led the panel, said, “Military quality of life is a central national security issue, and we can no longer ignore the clear warning signs.”

A RAND study found that about 25% of service members are food insecure, with most of those troops being early to mid-career enlisted personnel. Service members living on base were more likely to be food insecure than those living off post.

Since 2020, basic pay has lagged behind inflation, according to the report. Pay increases for junior enlisted service members have also lagged behind those of more senior enlisted personnel.

The president’s defense budget request for fiscal year 2024 included the largest troop pay raise in over two decades at 5.2%. Congress authorized a 4.2% pay raise in the defense budget for the prior year, alongside a small increase to the separate Basic Needs Allowance. However, both Republican and Democrat members of Congress argue that these pay raises are insufficient to outpace inflation.

Sgt. Maj. of the Army Michael A. Grinston said, “With inflation affecting everything from gas prices to groceries to rent, some Soldiers and their families are finding it harder to get by on the budgets they’ve set and used before.”

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  1. Vetmike

    April 16, 2024 at 9:07 am

    About damn time! The Administration hands out billions while our soldiers are being forced to get WIC and food stamps.
    Get rid of the transgender means no deployments. Someone else has to go in their place so they cannot do their job. Can’t hack it? Buses leave for town every hour. Go back to the core values contained in the Oath. Get rid of all the classes on ‘How to live with your transgender room-mate’ or ‘Making sure we have the correct ratios of whatevers’ needs to go. The right people in the right job doing that job with competence should be the only standard.
    As has been said many times: the military’s job is to close with the enemy and destroy his will to fight. Our enemies should fear us, our fair weather friends should always be aware that what goes around comes around and the very few true friends we have should know without a doubt that we have their six.

  2. Hambone

    April 16, 2024 at 10:20 am

    Just another way for this admin to buy votes. I appreciate the military and what they do, but honestly they receive some of the best benefits already, to include housing, food, child care subsidies, free healthcare, etc. Tax free if serving in combat zone, as should be. Trust, if a junior enlisted is broke, it’s not because of a pay gap, but rather the fact that they go hog wild on spending.

  3. Major Kong

    April 16, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Are they trying to get white guys to join with this pay raise? All I see in the picture for this article is white guys…

  4. Sandra

    July 10, 2024 at 12:20 am

    Smart,now we will wait and see.

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Wyatt Porter is a seasoned writer and constitutional scholar who brings a rugged authenticity and deep-seated patriotism to his work. Born and raised in small-town America, Wyatt grew up on a farm, where he learned the value of hard work and the pride that comes from it. As a conservative voice, he writes with the insight of a historian and the grit of a lifelong laborer, blending logic with a sharp wit. Wyatt’s work captures the struggles and triumphs of everyday Americans, offering readers a fresh perspective grounded in traditional values, individual freedom, and an unwavering love for his country.
