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January 1, California’s Taxpayer-Funded Home Loans for Illegal Immigrants Spark Outrage



Just one more step and California may funnel hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars into home loans for illegal immigrants.

The California Senate Appropriations Committee, dominated by Democrats, has advanced AB 1840, a bill designed to extend the California Dream For All Shared Appreciation Loan program to unlawful immigrants. This program, initiated last year, offers first-time homebuyers a loan equivalent to 20% of the house’s purchase price for downpayment or closing cost. Should the bill pass and be signed into law, all illegal migrants calling California home would be eligible to apply.

“California has once again placed illegal immigration and fiscal recklessness ahead of its citizens’ needs, while facing a whopping $60 billion deficit that will inevitably fall on the taxpayers,” said San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond.

Desmond highlights a pertinent point: California’s financial situation is dire, yet its lawmakers persist in supporting actions that encourage illegal immigration and stretch local resources. “Expanding this program to include illegal immigrants is not just another handout — it’s a massive overreach that shifts the financial burden onto law-abiding taxpayers,” Desmond added.

The home loan program, funded by taxpayers, offers interest-free loans, and recipients aren’t required to make monthly payments. The program’s first round of $300 million in loans, for approximately 2,300 middle and lower-income homebuyers, was exhausted in less than two weeks. Even though the state faces a severe budget deficit and the program is already strained, some lawmakers believe it still isn’t inclusive enough.

Democratic Assemblymember Joaquin Arambula introduced AB 1840 in January to broaden the definition of “first-time home buyer” to include illegal immigrants. Arambula, who was unavailable for comment, has argued that the benefits of homeownership should be available to everyone.

The legislation has breezed through the Democrat-dominated California Assembly and sailed through the Senate Appropriations Committee, with opposition exclusively from GOP lawmakers.

Sen. Brian Dahle lambasted Democratic lawmakers, stating, “California’s budget deficit continues to grow, and Democratic lawmakers are so out of touch that they are literally taking money away from their own law-abiding constituents and giving it freely to those breaking federal law by illegally crossing our borders.”

The state, already teetering on a monetary tightrope due to a budget deficit nearing $50 billion, has seen the decimation of a $100 billion surplus from two years ago. Unemployment, inflation, and the slowdown in the tech industry have all contributed to the state’s financial woes.

Close to two million illegal migrants reside in California. Given the state’s dire fiscal state, it is mind-boggling that lawmakers would open up a sought-after loan program to the illegal immigrant population.

The office of Governor Gavin Newsom, the final sign-off for AB 1840, did not comment on whether it would approve the legislation.

Meanwhile, Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign indicates she would be supporting a similar program: $25,000 in down payment assistance for first-time homebuyers with a special focus on first-generation homeowners. It is unclear whether illegal immigrants would be excluded from this proposal.

California’s Republicans, who have been sidelined in this legislative process, are understandably frustrated.

“Many legal California residents can’t afford a home in their own state,” said Sen. Brian Jones, one of only two GOP members on the Senate Appropriations Committee.

“Instead of addressing the housing crisis, radical Democrat lawmakers want to help illegal immigrants buy houses with the taxpayers’ money,” Jones continued. “With a $62 billion budget deficit, we need to focus on preserving essential government functions, not politically motivated spending for those here illegally.”

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  1. Ruth

    August 24, 2024 at 7:51 am

    Time for California to vote red or move out you idiots voted for this enjoy it here’s a thought charge Kamala with treason if it was Trump you would

  2. Richard Oberst

    August 24, 2024 at 8:53 am

    Lawmakers should not be allowed to abuse the taxpayers and any decision to spend taxpayers funds should require a resolution on the ballot to do so. Finally these fools who keep electing these kind of idiots need to wake up. The giant sucking sound is people leaving this communist state of California.

  3. Steve Johnson

    August 24, 2024 at 10:16 am

    This program goes against every single thing this country was founded on! Gavin Newsome and every single Democrat are cutting off their own heads, which cannot come soon enough. Give them YOUR money, not ours you stupid liberal pukes! There is a $62 Billion deficit, yet you want to give the illegals free loans? Go screw yourselves!
    Getting woke enough to fix this will not help people! Go jump in the ocean and feed the sharks! That is the only way to fix this. You people are remarkably stupid to allow this! You had the ability with the recall but failed to show responsibility. Now, you will truly cause a toilet to flush California, permanently! Once the illegals get residency, it is all over. No more fixes. They are/will be fully entrenched! You screwed us all, you stupid liberal idiots! I will be hitting I-10 east, myself! Thanks for ruining a real nice place to live! Who the hell voted for these people? I cannot find one person when asked…..normal though for liberals. Too ashamed but cowards to admit it!

  4. George Robert French

    August 24, 2024 at 11:29 am

    Hey Republicans, Demand a investigation into past elections and see how much fraud there is, ie, dead people, dogs, cats, parrots, that the election officials are allowing to count. So, if the people are tired of the same promises and still getting the same results, As Ca. Maxine Waters said, LIVE on TV. “you go out and “LIE” ,”CHEAT”, you go and “STEA” those Votes”. As long as their getting away with this, the longer it will continue.

  5. George Robert French

    August 24, 2024 at 11:31 am

    what fact checked, that has already been done. It was on LIVE TV

  6. Barbara V

    August 24, 2024 at 1:16 pm

    Seriously??? U.S. Citizens can’t afford a home in their our state but they want to give taxpayers money to illegals to allow them this same thing, come on this is ludicrous to say the least! The Democrats need to stop this and stop it now. You were elected to help your constituents first, not illegals. Sorry but charity begins at home. Not saying that illegals don’t need a hand but we need to take care of our citizens first. If you want to remain in office you need to think long and hard before passing this ridiculous bill.

  7. Daryl

    August 25, 2024 at 12:12 am

    Only one ‘Earthly’ way now to stop this Leftist liberal madness now…And that is truly a second Civil U.S. Civil War to defeat and eradicate ALL liberal democratic leftist from America forever!

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