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January 1, Biden’s DOJ Targets Another GOP State Fighting Illegal Immigration



The Biden administration’s Department of Justice (DOJ) is threatening to sue another Republican-led state over its efforts to crack down on illegal immigration. This comes after suing two other states over their respective anti-illegal immigration bills.

Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt and Attorney General Gentner Drummond have been contacted by the DOJ regarding HB 4156. This legislation makes it a state crime to be in the state illegally. The law also authorizes local law enforcement to arrest illegal immigrants, requiring them to leave the state within 72 hours following conviction or release from custody.

Signed by Stitt this month, HB 4156 is set to go into force on July 1. This law is similar to those passed and signed in Iowa and Texas, which have both been hit by lawsuits from the DOJ. The DOJ argues that these laws infringe on federal authority over immigration law and enforcement. The Texas law is currently on hold amid the ongoing lawsuit there.

Principal Deputy Assistant AG Brian Boynton stated in a letter to Oklahoma officials, “HB 4156 is preempted by federal law and violates the United States Constitution.” He added that Congress has implemented a “comprehensive scheme governing noncitizens’ entry and reentry into the United States, including penalties for unlawful entry and reentry.”

Boynton also said, “The United States intends to file suit to enjoin the enforcement of HB 4156 unless Oklahoma agrees to refrain from enforcing the law.” AG Drummond responded days later, promising to “vigorously defend” the law if the administration sues. He also blamed the Biden administration for the crisis at the southern border.

Drummond said, “Your misguided demands ignore that Oklahoma has not only the sovereign right, but also the solemn legal obligation, to protect its own borders and its own citizens.” He added, “Acquiescence to this intolerable situation is not in my state’s DNA; neither is surrender.”

Other states may soon have their own versions of the law. In addition to an Arizona ballot measure, lawmakers in Louisiana are moving forward with legislation similar to the Texas, Iowa, and Oklahoma bills.

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Bowman George

    May 26, 2024 at 7:07 am

    This administration is failing the people of the USA , it has been going on for three years now and all that gets done is lies from Washington. These states show they care about their citizens. Biden is letting go for votes, he is the worse.

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