January 1, Biden Accuser Defects to Russia Citing Safety Concerns

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America, we have a new defector – Tara Reade. Yes, the same Tara Reade who accused Joe Biden of sexual assault during his 2020 presidential campaign. Now, she’s packed her bags and moved to Russia, saying she feels “surrounded by protection and safety.”
In an interview with the pro-Putin outlet Sputnik, Reade spoke of her transition to Russia. She was joined by Maria Butina, a former Russian agent who served time in a U.S. jail, and now a member of the Russian parliament. Quite the welcome wagon, wouldn’t you say?
For those who don’t remember, Reade came forward in March of 2020, alleging that then-Senator Biden sexually assaulted her while she worked in his Senate offices during the Clinton administration. She filed a complaint against Biden, which he promptly denied. Though Reade’s claims have yet to be verified, some evidence, including corroboration from her brother and a former neighbor, has kept her story alive in the public eye.
Reade’s move to Russia speaks volumes about the state of our nation. That a woman, who alleges sexual assault by a now-president, feels safer in Russia than her home country, is an indictment of our current social and political climate. Whether or not you believe Reade’s accusations, her move to Russia is a sign of a deeper problem – people feeling they can’t speak the truth without risking their safety.
What’s even more interesting is her apology to the Russian people for the Biden administration’s actions in Ukraine amidst Putin’s invasion. “Most American citizens do want to be friends and hope that we can have unity again,” she said.
Remember, folks, this isn’t just any American defecting to Russia. This is an accuser of the sitting President, someone who has been in the public eye and in the center of a contentious debate. She’s now joining the ranks of Edward Snowden as one of the most high-profile American defectors to Russia.
In a cryptic statement before her departure, Reade made clear she was not suicidal and pointed fingers at Biden and the DNC, implying threats and intimidation. With her unexpected move, one can’t help but wonder: what does this mean for her story, the accusations against Biden, and America’s perception abroad?
In these trying times, it’s essential to step back and reflect on what we’ve become as a nation. Whether you’re a Democrat, Republican, or somewhere in between, we can surely all agree – when our citizens feel safer in Russia than their homeland, we have a problem.

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June 3, 2023 at 3:57 pm
I feel sorry for her that she had to resort to this tactic, but it doesn’t surprise me. It doesn’t surprise that she is doing this because if her story actually was reported by the MSM, biden would be done completely. However, as his lapdogs, soon to be joined by fox, they will never say a bad word about a dem, especially if it’s the truth.
June 3, 2023 at 7:23 pm
Biden has ALWAYS been sick. He dumped his wife and STOLE Jill from HER HUSBAND. Who , in their right mind, and with Morals , could vote for a cretin such as this? Oh, democrats, they vote for anything that gives them freebies.