January 1, Biden Admits He Doesn’t Think He Could Handle Four More Years

President Biden talked about his age and what folks might remember about him. He’s saying he could’ve won another round against Donald Trump, but he’s also not sure if he could handle being president for another four years.
When asked if he could keep up the energy for another term, Biden said, “I don’t know.” He shared how he thought he was the right guy to beat Trump the last time but didn’t plan on being president into his mid-80s. He talked about wanting to pass the torch to someone younger.
There’s been a lot of chatter, even from folks in the White House, wondering if Biden, who’s 82, has the energy to keep up with the job.
Biden repeated that he thought he could have beaten Trump again. But he dropped out after a shaky debate, which showed some issues, his supporters tried to ignore. He supported Vice President Kamala Harris, but she didn’t win the general election.
Some folks didn’t like Biden giving the Soros Medal of Freedom and called it a “slap in the face” to crime victims.
Biden wants people to remember him for trying to fix the economy and make America strong in the world again. He says being older helped him because he’s known a lot of world leaders for a long time, and that gave him a good view of what’s happening around the world.
Let’s see if folks agree with how Biden wants to be remembered.
Wyatt Matters!
President Biden has been having conversations about his age and how it affects his ability to run the country. He believes he could have beaten Donald Trump again but wasn’t sure about continuing as president for another four years. Biden says that he didn’t imagine being in leadership into his mid-80s and would like to hand over responsibility to a younger generation. Some people in his own team have questioned his energy levels, which shows there’s some concern even close to him.
Biden had confidence in beating Trump again, but things didn’t go as planned after a less-than-perfect debate performance. He chose to support Kamala Harris, but unfortunately, she didn’t win the election. Moreover, some of Biden’s actions, like giving the Soros Medal of Freedom, have been controversial and upset some people, especially those affected by crime. These situations added to the doubts about his leadership abilities at this age in some people’s minds.
Despite the challenges, Biden hopes that people will remember him for trying hard to improve the economy and make America powerful on the global stage. In his view, being older has given him the wisdom to deal with world leaders and understand global issues better. Whether people will remember him this way depends on how they see the changes he tried to make and if they appreciate the perspective he brought with his years of experience.
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Just my opinion
January 8, 2025 at 6:12 pm
When Biden wonders what he would do at 86, it would be nice to see him sitting in a jail cell looking out waiting for his bread and water. He has done everything he can to ruin our country along with his cronies. Lock’em all up and forget them. They don’t deserve accolades or comfort.
January 9, 2025 at 8:57 am
IMO, the democrats have become the communist party of America, and are one lying bunch! And I’d throw the MSM in with them. I don’t think this country has ever paid so many worthless office holders. There is a reason that Magoo’s relatives are known as the “CRIME FAMILY!” Sold our country, IMO, for their own personal gain. CRIMINAL, IMO. OH and BTW, while California burns, he became a great grandpa!! Who cares?
January 8, 2025 at 6:20 pm
I think a garden slug would have done better that he has done.
January 8, 2025 at 6:41 pm
obiden will go down in history as the worst pres hands down. He was never really pres. only a puppet who’s strings were pulled by the deep state. You could ask him a questiont today about any bill he signed in the last 4 yrs and he wouldnt have a clue.
January 8, 2025 at 7:03 pm
Numb nuts couldn’t handle the last 4 years!
Ricky Malone
January 9, 2025 at 2:30 am
Num-nuts screwed up our country and economy should go to jail for there crimes hem and his son did should go to jail forever. The way he ended the war was terrible made you be ashamed of who we are as Americans. He was the worse president ever. No way in hell could he have beaten president Trump. He would have lost worst than the vice president did. There’s nothing good to say about him. President Trump I hope can straighten out his screw up that he did.
January 9, 2025 at 8:48 am
“Couldn’t handle four more years?” He hasn’t handled the last four!! ME, ME, ME, ME!!!!! Jealous, spiteful, hateful, WORST PRESIDENT IN MY LIFETIME, IMO. He and his son both need to be prosecuted, IMO. LOUSY President!