The immigration situation in New York City has taken a significant turn, and it’s affecting the city’s own young residents. Recent reports reveal that an astonishing...
During a recent CBS interview, Vice President Kamala Harris was repeatedly evasive when pressed for a clear stance on a topic of national significance. While Harris...
When Nancy Pelosi was recently confronted about allegations surrounding President Joe Biden and his son Hunter, her discomfort was palpable. The question came from MSNBC’s Andrea...
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell brought an unexpected halt to his Wednesday leadership briefing, pausing mid-sentence and causing a stir among attendees. The 81-year-old Republican leader...
1848: 1st US women's rights convention held in Seneca Falls NY, organized by...
ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY…On May 16th, 1866, the U.S. Congress passed the first Civil Rights Act… READ MORE ABOUT THIS HISTORIC DAY HERE The Indianapolis...
Well this is kinda funny. So King Charles is a man who might’ve let his frustrations slip right before his coronation. Now, Charles was sittin’ in...