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January 1, Unveiled Truth – Hunter Biden Hearing Ignored



For the past two years, the partisan Democrats of our “legacy media” have been treating the Pelosi-Picked Panel on Jan. 6 as a major story, dedicating hundreds of hours of television coverage to it. This coverage included both live broadcasts of the hearings and numerous cycles of previews and reviews. But once Republicans took control of the House, this committee oversight coverage suddenly went from Hero to Zero.

On March 20, the House Oversight Committee held public hearings that were supposed to feature live testimony by Hunter Biden. The GOP-led committee titled the hearing “Influence Peddling: Examining Joe Biden’s Abuse of Public Office,” a title that was already a turn-off for Biden-voter reporters.

NBC offered a mere two minutes of coverage that night. ABC and CBS did nothing. In January, Hunter Biden made headlines by showing up and demanding a public hearing, and the networks covered that. On Feb. 28, Hunter showed up for a hearing behind closed doors, and the networks covered that. But when Hunter skipped the public hearing he allegedly wanted, they skipped the story?

Even those prestigious national newspapers — with the slogans about “All the News That’s Fit to Print,” and “Democracy Dies in Darkness” — offered a big fat zero in their print editions. There was nothing published on Joe Biden’s abuse of office in The New York Times, The Washington Post, or The Wall Street Journal.

Now, let’s consider “public” broadcasting — the ones who have automatic and undeserved prestige because of their “for the people” branding. The “PBS NewsHour” offered nothing, not 10 hot seconds. They did, however, offer eight minutes on a potential government shutdown, so their journalists were working on Capitol Hill.

The taxpayer-funded hour also carried five minutes on the “controversial” Texas border-enforcement law, five minutes on the Biden administration setting a timeline for ending the gasoline-powered automobile, and almost seven minutes on a Mississippi police “goon squad” that brutalized some black men. “Systemic racism,” is always a staple.

National “Public” Radio was a bad joke, as their show “All Things Considered” never considered a story on the Biden abuses office hearing. NPR’s homepage was topped the next morning by their hot story: new details on a media mogul’s British phone-hacking scandal of 2011. Their media reporter files a hostile story on the mogul or his news network regularly like he was an operative being paid by other news networks.

NPR did have a Biden mention on their homepage. Their young White House reporter had a TikTok-like video shoot on President Biden grabbing a trendy boba tea in Las Vegas under the headline “Food stops can tell you a lot about a campaign.” The reporter cheerfully explained, “Asian-Americans make up a critical voting bloc in Nevada,” and, “Experts on food and politics say that Biden ordering this could also send a message to people who think he’s too old for the job.”

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