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January 1, Treasury Secretary Says Inflation Levels Are ‘Unacceptable’



Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen called the current inflation levels in the U.S. “unacceptable.”

“We currently face macroeconomic challenges, including unacceptable levels of inflation as well as the headwinds associated with the disruptions caused by the pandemic’s effect on supply chains and the effects of supply-side disturbances to oil and food markets resulting from Russia’s war in Ukraine,” Yellen told the Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday.

While Yellen touted some of President Joe Biden’s proposed legislation, she offered few ways to mitigate rising inflation.

“To dampen inflationary pressures without undermining the strength of the labor market an appropriate budgetary stance is needed to complement monetary policy actions by the Federal Reserve,” Yellen said.

“Moving forward, elements of the president’s proposed legislation – including the clean energy initiatives and plans to reform the prescription drug market – can help lower the costs paid by American consumers.”



  1. dana

    June 8, 2022 at 8:08 am

    I hope the voters that put this administration in office are jumping for joy when they go buy food or gas….You get the government you vote for….Glad I have no grand children I wouldn’t know how to explain what they will be inheriting from a useless administration.

  2. Sick and Tierd of listening to empty headed MORONS

    June 8, 2022 at 8:13 pm

    That’s right DANA if your that old to have grandchildren or maybe your talking about your future and your mind is that feeble that you don’t understand what’s going on let me fill you in, the pandemic started during your blonde headed hamburger eaten FAT PIGS administration, and FATSOS LOVER BOY PUTIN caused the gas prices to go up with his paranoid bullshit about his countries security from Ukraine, but you absent minded republicans say Biden started the war not Putin and Biden wouldn’t give Ukraine plains because he was trying to avoid starting WW3 and the oil companies in our country don’t want to produce anymore so I guess if you pea brains can’t figure it out you might as well blame Biden. It’s funny there wasn’t a bunch of blame thrown at FAT BOY TRUMP when he was letting 500,000 Americans dye of covid, or trying to fire anyone who didn’t like what he was saying about the disease which by the way caused the problems with the supply chain which caused the food prices to rise. HELLOOOOOO!!!!

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