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January 1, Crenshaw Blasts ‘Deranged’ Drag Show for Kids



Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) blasted parents who took their children to a “deranged” drag show for kids at a gay bar in Dallas, Texas.

“This is really deranged,” Crenshaw wrote on Twitter. “It’s also proof that when you’re too open-minded, your brain falls out. Clearly these parents lost their minds a long time ago.”

The “Drag the Kids to Pride” show at Mr. Misster in Dallas was advertised as a “family-friendly” version of the bar’s regular drag show. Video footage of the purportedly kid-friendly event shows performers dancing in front of a sign that read, “It’s not gonna lick itself.”

Crenshaw posted a series of follow-up tweets on the topic.

“Let me ask you: When parents want to introduce their kids to straight sex, they don’t take them to a strip club or burlesque show, do they?” the lawmaker asked. “Is this hyper-sexual drag show supposed to accurately represent the gay community?”

“Is this really supposed to build ‘tolerance?’ I can’t imagine most gay couples I know would ever condone kids going to these shows, just as most straight couples wouldn’t bring their kid to a burlesque show,” he continued.

“This is not only deranged, but also gives millions of decent gay couples a bad name,” Crenshaw concluded.



  1. Gerald Ladd

    June 7, 2022 at 7:22 pm

    I’m sure it was just demonRATS that went to it with their children. They are the party of perverts, queers, and pedophiles. He’ll there’s one in the WH right now.

  2. Ray

    June 7, 2022 at 7:55 pm

    drag shows have been around for a long time – for adults only. And child abuse has always been around – but “dragging” children to drag shows is a whole new level of depravity.

    • Cheryl

      June 9, 2022 at 6:21 pm

      This is so depraved and disgusting that it’s hard to fathom anyone going to this — much less to take a child. The people in this sex show are downright scary. Any parent or adult who takes a child to this needs to be incarcerated for child abuse and pornography. If I find this sickening and hard to not be revolted by just this picture and I’m an adult, think what kind of trauma it inflicts on a child.

      The left thinks this is okay and “inclusive”. They also think CRT is great and allowing males in girl’s bathrooms. Why do these perverts want to hurt our children? And then cry about those same children in Uvalde.. Hypocrites!

  3. Sick and Tierd of listening to empty headed MORONS

    June 7, 2022 at 8:51 pm

    Hey Dan, I have to agree with you on this one, but it’s just as deranged as listening to republicans saying it’s not ok to raise the age to purchase a gun that can kill all those kids, why aren’t you screaming at you fellow law makers to use whatever brains they pretend to have and get these things unpurchasable, and I don’t remember hearing the name Crenshaw ranting and raven when your party started taken voters and woman’s rights away or even joining the committee to find out what happened on Jan.6th with that FAT BLONDE HEADED BIG your party calls a leader and his thumb sucking PUPPETS. I totally disagree with what those parents did with there children but remember we’re talking, your governor passed a bill that could prosecute woman for getting an abortion, maybe he can come up with a bill for woman HAVING the baby and taking them to a drag queen show, I’m sure it could get passed, what do you think DAN maybe?

  4. katman

    June 7, 2022 at 11:15 pm

    These sick demented trans are of Satan & are NOT to be tolerated.

    Tolerance is a misnomer, is a falsehood, a lie.

    This is an abomination to G-d.

    Either you stand w/ G-d or you are against G-d.

    This is proof EVIL exists. Pick a side. I will stand w/ G-d & expose these misfits, are deMonic beings.

  5. katman

    June 7, 2022 at 11:21 pm

    IN addition this is child abuse & the parents should be arrested for exposing their children to this filth.

    Further the librarians, the cities are also guilty of promoting this perversion on our society.

  6. AL

    June 7, 2022 at 11:30 pm

    As Crenshaw said people’s brains fall out if they are too open minded. Liberal elites (across the world) fall for anything. They are convinced they are being open minded and compassionate.
    Like Actress Ali Wentworth, wife of George Stephanopoulos. In several interviews, she has stated she plans to watch pornography with her kids so she can explain it all to them.

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