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January 1, Alex Jones Lashes Out at Trump for Pushing Vaccine [Video]



Infowars host Alex Jones had some harsh words for former President Trump, threatening to “dish all the dirt” on him over his recent pro-vaccine comments.

On a recent episode of Infowars, the previously staunch and outspoken Trump supporter told his audience to “move on” from the former president.

“Yeah, we all wish Trump would do the right thing. But listen, I’ve got the inside baseball on Trump. He doesn’t know what’s going on. And I’m not even defending Trump. I’m just saying we’ve got to move on,” Jones said.

“In fact, maybe—you know what—to get Trump’s attention,” he continued, “maybe I should just dish all the dirt—you know what, you know what—I am going to dish it all on Trump next hour.”

“It’s not to hurt Trump, it’s so people can know how pathetic he is when you think he is playing 4D chess, going to save you and he’s not!” Jones added.

Trump has recently been touting the COVID-19 vaccines as a major accomplishment of his administration, encouraging Americans to get the vaccine.


Alex Jones Threatens to ‘Dish Dirt’ on Trump for Pushing Vaccine


  1. CharlieSeattle

    January 3, 2022 at 8:17 pm

    Trump was played easily because he is STILL dangerously naive.

    • Virginia

      January 4, 2022 at 4:36 am

      Trump signed an EO that Pfizer put on his desk allowing for Pfizer et al to turn us into their lab rats with absolutely NO liability! These experimental drugs that change your dna & result in spike proteins that crush your autoimmune system would have NEVER been approved by the public/American people OR the FDA! Trump sold put the country & sll of humanity to the drug cartel & globalists & bankers. This will make him the worst President in USA history as history will show if we win this WAR! I used to support him—not anymore! What did Pfizer & the drug companies give him in exchange for his signature on that EO? My vote is with Ron DeSantis!!!

      • martha n YOUNGER

        January 4, 2022 at 6:53 pm

        So you went from the fire to the fire to the frying pan some people just are CABBAGE HEADS

  2. Dave

    January 3, 2022 at 10:24 pm

    Alex, I stand with you, and..yes, even tho I am a Trump supporter, but have never been 100%. But, then again…no-one is perfect. And, Charlie Seattle (another comment sender), I am with you, on your remark about Trump! Because I shyed away from Trump way back when this damn covid thing began! It was when he went along with that damn “mask” issue! Facts and common sense tell you that the masks just simply do not do what they are intended to do! You CANNOT stop the “exhaust”..or, rather, the exhaling of the breaths of USED air coming from a person’s lungs/body! AND..if dumb/doctor Fauci is truely a doctor, then he would KNOW this! The mask simply returns the bad air coming from the body and sends it RIGHT BACK to the lungs…! WTF!?! I believe that in time, history is going to prove this to have been a bad thing for us to have done…wearing those stupid masks! Sooner or later, folks are going to begin to show symptoms of some sort of a medical problem with our lungs/blood, from the idiotic belief that masks were proper! When the actually were not! I only wonder that when this happens, will the medical field as well as our government try to HIDE the truth from the people..??

    • D B Cooper

      January 4, 2022 at 1:01 am

      Let’s Go Donny

    • Grace Bruno

      January 4, 2022 at 6:06 am

      Fauci wrote an article in 2005 that was posted on twitter almost 2 years ago. He stated in that article that the millions that died in 1918, most did not die of an influenza, they died of Bacterial Pneumonia from wearing a mask. You can only inhale CO2 for so long until you run into health issues. I think thats the reason they want everyone in masks.

      • SharonH

        January 4, 2022 at 3:49 pm

        Masks only harm the wearer. Making people who are Covid negative wear a mask is the height of stupidity. You are quite right about the dangers of constant inhaling of CO2 and other infections a person may have at the moment makes everything worse. It would be interesting if a study were done picking mask wearers at random to see who actually are positive. People who don’t have the disease should have absolutely no reason to do this very questionable and unhealthy practice.

        • Jeff

          January 4, 2022 at 7:43 pm

          Interesting comment, and you asked a good question. In fact, the CDC published a report of people who contracted the original Clovis 19 in 2020. 84% of the people who tested positive were in fact wearing a mask. The remaining 16% who tested positive said they did not wear a mask. Of course, this report was removed a couple weeks later. Think of this, if you live in a cold environment or smoke, exhale your breath and note the results. You will see either smoke or steam from your lungs. The cloth masks worn throughout the world provide zero (0) protection against covid or its variants. The size of the virus is so small, it easily passes through the mask. ONLY N95 masks have been scientifically proven to prevent the spread of the virus.

      • Orrie

        January 4, 2022 at 5:12 pm

        The more that die the better it is for the NWO elites and their agenda to reduce the world’s population.

    • Randall

      January 4, 2022 at 7:24 am

      I agree, I’m very disappointed in my president, Trump, two reasons,
      #1 Pushing the dangerous vaccine in which we will not take.
      I wouldn’t want to take credit for something not properly tested already killing thousands of people!
      #2 His foul mouth, nothing mature or business like or even becoming of a president to use filthy language publicly!
      I’d still vote for him though.
      BUT, if de Santis was to run and can mad dog our enemies like Trump, I may vote for him!!

      • martha n YOUNGER

        January 4, 2022 at 6:55 pm


    • Lee A Thompson

      January 5, 2022 at 1:01 am

      You sound like a kook, like Jones.. Grow up or get off the internet

  3. RRT

    January 3, 2022 at 10:48 pm

    Alex Jones is going to lose plenty of support for zeroing in on TRUMP.

  4. Raul Allegre

    January 3, 2022 at 10:56 pm

    I agree Trump and pretty much every elected Republican is horrible on the jab, but the answer to Republicans who we disagree with isn’t to trash and threaten them – it’s to disagree and encourage them to change their position. We don’t need to fight among ourselves unnecessarily. Losers like McConnell and McCarthy I’ll admit are beyond help, but for the Republicans who are good on the majority of issues, let’s support them and nudge them in the right direction when needed.

    • Lawrence

      January 4, 2022 at 1:46 am

      When the populist President goes off the reservation backing a gene therapy that even the developer Robert Malone says is dangerous there is something wrong. Tantamount to pushing an NWO agenda that kills and severely injures thousands of people. Trump is too busy pushing his platform that he had the gene therapy developed in record time, which is easy if the pharmaceutical companies forge testing data and the weaponized federal agencies approve it with on oversight. Or else he has sold out to the NWO and is somehow able to ignore thousands of compete virologists and biochemists who have said for sometime that the shots are extremely dangerous and basically ineffective by design for the virus but very effective at damaging the immune system, causing abortions and sterilizations along with the standard myocarditis. I find it hard to accept that he is naïve although he has made incredible blunders in his selection of personnel and staffing.

      • Virginia

        January 4, 2022 at 6:08 am

        Lawrence, he sold out to Big Pharma (the drug cartel) when he signed the EO making us all subjects to their experimentation like lab rats giving them so much money & power with absolutely no liability. What did they give him in return? A whole crapload of power, influence & deals involving $ & lots of it. He sold all of humanity down the river!

      • SharonH

        January 4, 2022 at 3:57 pm

        Excellent post. Have you also noticed that even CNN is softening against Trump? I now feel we have been played by both sides. IMO Trump has greatly lessened any chances of becoming POTUS by his endorsement of the jab. One would expect him to follow the attitude of Gov. Noem, who has left it up to individuals to make the right choice for themselves and their families as they see fit. Just one reason why he should not even think of running again.

  5. moosegringo

    January 3, 2022 at 11:20 pm

    Will never again listen to jerkwad Alex Jones – he can GTH !

    • Lee A Thompson

      January 5, 2022 at 1:03 am

      He’s an idiot in all things

  6. J. F. Fox

    January 4, 2022 at 1:44 am

    Sorry, I have no idea who Alex Jones is.

    • Lee A Thompson

      January 5, 2022 at 1:04 am

      He’s a kook

  7. Stephen Schutz

    January 4, 2022 at 2:50 am

    The CDC claims COVID has “killed” about 800,000 Americans in 2 years. The census bureau says the US population is about 325 million. That means COVID has “killed” about 0.25% of the US population in 2 years. If you ask them, most people will claim that COVID has killed between 5% and 10% of the US population. Unfortunately it is much easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.

    • Lee A Thompson

      January 5, 2022 at 1:06 am

      You were doing fine when you used fats, then you turned into Alex Jones.

  8. SJHPW

    January 4, 2022 at 4:12 am

    What I believe is this whole scam of a pandemic has been in the works since at least 2015. There is a written report from then which is an assimilation of exactly what started in 2020. The only difference is they had the year as 2025. This happening in 2020 was the last straw to get Trump and as much as I support Trump, I don’t think he is naive. He didn’t get to his position as a billionaire being naive. I think he has been lied to by some he initially trusted. Taking credit for the jab and not looking at what the truth is appears he isn’t looking at all the facts. The only thing that makes sense is that no matter what his position on this jab is, it is a no win situation. He thinks he was instrumental in putting out a fast vaccine but they have been working on it long before the virus hit which would show him not knowing what is going on and the fact it doesn’t do what they say it would is also a no win. The fact he still supports this jab is troubling but he has done so much good for the country it is hard to prioritize where this is all going. He has so many investigations going on against him and by him, I wouldn’t think he has the time to research everything on his own. I think he has trusted too many that are not his ally. I also think he should continue the election fraud but not have it as a constant topic at his rallies and interviews. If he would speak on what policies are hurting the country and how Biden has destroyed all the policies that worked, that would be a plus.

  9. Gordon

    January 4, 2022 at 5:20 am

    Trump must survive to fight another day politically. The man has amazing political instincts and must be given that.

  10. Duke

    January 4, 2022 at 9:55 am

    I’ve seen and heard so much corruption within this Present Administration that I wouldn’t put it passed them to do something to the vaccine to make it useless to we the people. After all they are in charge of everything now and making things worse every day in America. When the truth finally comes out about these American traitors is when the people themselves will Judge and prosecute them all.

  11. David Shepardson

    January 4, 2022 at 11:53 am

    Any blame regarding the effetivness or need for these virus jabs lays directly on fuaci, the cdc, fda, china and even bill gates and some politicians, but the politicians and other promoters are ony relying on the info they receive from those I mention with some blame reserved for the sheeple for not deply investigating the source and reports to this virus…. btw, I understand this vaccine is not a “real” vaccine as it contains no live or dead virus, but that it is still actually in the test stage. I don’t want it, I’ll take my chances, foolish, maybe, but I am convinced this jab has ingreadiants designed to cause random deaths which are designed to cause no suspecions of population reduction….This is my opinion.

  12. Yadja

    January 4, 2022 at 4:52 pm

    What we must keep in mind is Trump and family are vaccinated so he believes in them. We must also remember the side affects are not being shown all over the news not even FOX. Then we must remember Trump did NOT want lock downs. That he did NOT believe in forcing people to wear masks. That he would NEVER mandate vaccines nor would he let OSHA do what they are doing. He would NEVER let us be in the position we are now and if reelected he will undo all of it.

    I look at the positives and they far outweigh the negatives with Trump. I also believe that if and when the side affects become common knowledge for all that he would most assuredly compensate the people harmed and would then make sure the vaccines off the market until proven safe. I really do.

  13. bob

    January 4, 2022 at 6:28 pm

    Alex Jones is a whack job , always has been a whack job !!! For all you inbred degenerate asswipe RINOS ,,, President Trump was NOT pushing the NAZI injection , he just said it’s a persons choice , he said if you want it get it , but again , he was not pushing or endorsing it . So , don’t become a puppet and buy everything these nutcases have to say . As Conservatives , we all need to fight back TOGETHER against Perv Biden and all his little NAZIS !!! The election in 2022 can be the starting point to getting OUR country back . Fill the House and Senate with Republicans so we can flush their SOCIALISM !!!

  14. Karen F

    January 4, 2022 at 10:02 pm

    You are a fool Jones if you believe what you are saying.
    Trump knows exactly what he is saying and doing.
    SO, you want him to be held accountable for all these deaths that are happening?
    How ignorant. Let Biden get hung.
    Trump knows. Stick with Trump. The man is a genus.

  15. joe J

    January 9, 2022 at 4:28 pm

    I used to support trump, i think hes old hat now, he has ticked off to many people and been on the sidseline to long, plus hes supporting the Vaccine which is killing more people and giving people permanent health problems that they will have to live with the rest of their lives. if he continues to run again for office, he will just further devide the republican party.
    we really need a guy like ron desantis to be the nominee..

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